Local Itineraries

The Marches

the only region in the plural

Visiting the Marches is a pleasant discovery: it is a wonderfully rich land because it varies, we might say plural, as is its name.

Sea, mountain, hill, town and medieval villages.

On January 13, 2019, the London daily Sunday Times, in the “Specialeitalia” dedicated an extensive service to many locations in the region and headlined: “Forget Tuscany — discover the hills and beaches of Le Marche, Italy’s secret region

In 2020 comes the most coveted recognition in the world in a tourist key: the Marches have been included, as the only Italian destination, among the places not to be missed in the ranking “Top Regions – Best in Travel” for 2020 by Lonely Planet, The world’s most famous tour guide.

Here’s the motivation and here’s the video below.

The Piceno

From the Apennines to the sea with mountains and hills


– From Rotella to Monte Ascensione
– From Santa Maria to Tallacano
– From Capradosso to Monte dell’Ascensione
– In the Calanchi Kingdom
– Monte Sibilla
– From Foce to Lago di Pilato (Pilato Lake)
– From Balzo to Eremo di S.Francesco

Piceno by bike

– Arquata del Tronto – La Macera della Morte
– Ascoli Piceno – Up to the frangifuoco
– Ascoli Piceno – Ascoli Natural Bike Park
– Arquata del Tronto – La Macera della Morte
– Ascoli Piceno – Monte Piselli
– Outdoor roller-blading

A sea of coast

Riviera delle Palme: – San Benedetto del Tronto – Grottammare – Cupra Marittima

wine in the cellar

Some of the wineries that produce excellent wines:

– Cantina dei Colli Ripani
– Le Caniette
– Cantina San Michele a Ripa
– Tenute Cocci Grifoni
– Ciù Ciù
– Velenosi Vini
– Simone Capecci

Local Markets

– L’Antico e le Palme in San Benedetto del Tronto
– Antique Market in Ascoli Piceno
– Weekly Markets in Neighbouring Countries
Because of the Covid-19 many traditional markets were suspended

art & culture

– Ascoli Piceno (City of 100 Towers)
– Offida
– Ripatransone
– Acquaviva Picena
– Grottammare

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